"Prayer is the place of refuge for every worry, a foundation for cheerfulness, a source of constant happiness, a protection against sadness." --St. John Chrysostom
Prayer is our constant line to God...our hearts aiming toward heaven. A conversation with God, our best friend. But, the interior life, as the Saints have taught us, can have it's ups and downs...fervent at times and desolate and dry at others.
But the key to holiness is to be CONSISTENT.
As with anything worthwhile, if we are consistent with anything, it becomes a habit. What better habit to have then a loving conversation with the Lord God Almighty, every day. But how?
Here are some of our top 3 tips for a consistent prayer life that becomes a habit (probabaly the most important habit of your life):
Whether you are an early riser or a night owl, find a time of the day that you can dedicate to the Lord and your relationship with Him and Him alone.
Get up early before the children and pray, schedule a holy hour before the Blessed Sacrament at a designated time, or take a daily prayer walk. However you do it or wherever you go, be sure it is a time set aside for just you and God.
I recommend at least 30 - 60 minutes because once you begin, as I have found personally, it takes time to settle in and develop a rhthym of prayer and 30-60 minutes is perfect.
You will feel refreshed after your time with the Lord and begin to look forward to your private time with Him.
Sometimes it is nice to simply talk with God. Sometimes it is nice to follow a more structured guide or booklet. I like to do both.
Honestly, it is such a personal thing. But Holy Mother Church has given us so many resources to walk the narrow road with the Lord in prayer.
There are SO many Catholic resources it is hard to weed through so many devotions, novenas, prayers, etc. Simply find what works best for you:
- Do you like journaling your thoughts? A prayer journal may be good for you.
- Do you like following a schedule of novenas? We have that in our monthly bundle.
- Do you like praying the rosary during your alone time? A 52-day novena is great.
Whatever works for your personality, time and relationship with God, works for Him. He simply loves you and His heart is always open to you no matter HOW you turn toward Him in prayer.
Holy Mother Church is a good mother and guides us in every way. We are not left orphans in out troubles.
She has guided Catholics throughout the centuries along the path to holiness.
Pray with the Church and follow Her lead.
How, you say?
- Assist at daily Mass
- Pray the Propers of the Mass at home
- Use the technique of Lectio Divina to dive deeper
- Pray according to that month's dedication (for example, July is dedicated to the Precious Blood)
- Pray your prayers of supplication with the Saints on their feast days, according to the Church's calendar
There are many ways to do this on your own.
If you need help staying organized with a little guidance each month, The Ultimate Catholic Bundle may be the answer.
Download the most organized, easy-to-use bundle of printable PDF downloads for a truly Catholic life.
No matter how you approach the Lord in prayer, remember,
- find your time,
- your technique
- and follow the Church's gudance for help along the way.
God bless!