Summer is here and it is a great time for renewing your mind, learning new things and diving into new books. Here is our summertime reading roundup!
1. The Secret of the Rosary by Louis de Montfort

Written by St. Louis De Montfort, this short and revelatory book describes the many mysteries of the Rosary and teaches us how to pray it with proper devotion to Our Lady and her son, Jesus Christ. St. Louis discusses the numerous intricacies and beauties of the Rosary with topics like:
- Origin of the Rosary
- Mysteries of the Rosary
- Miraculous effects of the Rosary
- The prayers of the rosary
- And many more!
St. Louis’ humble but inspiring writing is the perfect way to reencounter the Rosary, or to try the devotion for the first time. A perpetual advocate for the Catholic Church’s honoring of the Blessed Virgin, St. Louis reveals her love for the Church in a new way in his meditations on the Holy Rosary.
2. Meditations on the Holy Angels by St. Aloysius Gonzaga

As the patron saint of youth and students, Saint Aloysius Gonzaga’s writings and life reveal that one cannot live an angelic life without angelic help. Here is a saint who sought his guardian angel’s help three times a day. Here is a book that will enflame the hearts of both young and old to love our angelic friends—messengers from heaven—with even greater fervor.
3. Humility of Heart by Fr. Cajetan Mary da Bergamo

This is the greatest book on humility ever written and will likely be the best book you will read in the next 5 years (outside of Holy Scripture). Here is how the book opens up:
"In Paradise there are many Saints who never gave alms on earth: their poverty justified them. There are many Saints who never mortified their bodies by fasting or wearing hair shirts: their bodily infirmities excused them. There are many Saints too who were not virgins: their vocation was otherwise. But in Paradise there is no Saint who was not humble."
From every direction, Fr. Cajetan da Bergamo marshals up the reasons why this virtue is paramount in the lives of all Saints and of all those on the way of perfection. As no one will enter Heaven who is not perfect and as no one will gain perfection who is not humble, it behooves us all to apprise ourselves of the requisites for gaining true humility of heart, for once possessing this virtue, we can then make great strides in the spiritual life. But without it, we are simply deceiving ourselves regarding our spiritual progress and postponing the great work of our own salvation.
“The prayer of him that humbleth himself shall pierce the clouds.” —Ecclesiasticus 35:21
4. Catholic Bible in a Year by IamHis365 Media

Of course, we must include our newest journal from IamHis365 Media. Coming soon, this edifying fill-in journal walks you through the scriptures of every liturgical season. Derived from the Rule of St Benedict this simple to follow journal guides you through each Sunday as recommended by St Bendict himself. With both blank lined pages and guided Lectio Divina pages, this is the perfect companion for weekly reading of scripture for an entire year.
Whether you're relaxing at the beach or pool or setting up your summertime family devotions, these are some classic suggestions for summertime reading. Enjoy!
If you prefer a digital format of scripture readng, journaling, planning, prayers and novenas for the entire year, download our best-seller :
The Ultimate Traditional Catholic Planning Journal