We are already into the swing of things for Advent. I knew it was coming but (much like Lent) it always seems to come barreling in so fast and all of December can be a whirlwind.
Nevertheless, this is, hands-down, my favorite time of year.
Advent and Christmastide help us re-focus and remember what life is all about - Jesus Christ.
After all, as we learned in our catechism as chidlren, our purpose in life is to:
"Know Him, love Him and serve Him and to be happy with Him in this life and in the next."
It is easy to get discouraged, distracted or forgetful at times. We are only human. We need supernatural help. And that is precisely why God, in His Infinite Wisdom, gave us His only begotten Son.
We need Him for every breath we take, every heartbeat, every thought, word and deed - we need Him.
And He is gracious and loving and cannot be outdone in generosity. This season is when we see His Glory in the salvation of the world. Through a tiny newborn baby God gives us Himself - ALL of Himself.

No one will ever give you everything in life. But God will and God does and God already has. So be of good cheer, no matter what you are going through or what struggle syou face. He has given you everything. You simply need to receive it with an open, loving and humble heart. We pray for you for all the blessings of the season and beyond.
How You Can Re-Focus
(hint, we have already done the hard part)
If you need additional resources to stay focused in prayer or just need to elevate your space with a little Catholic art, stop by and browse the shop for anything you may need.
If you need help getting focused, we created a wonderful resource for you to enjoy:
The Advent 2021 Family Prayer & Activity Packet

Stop struggling to maintain a consistent prayer life during Advent and Christmastide. The Advent 2021 Family Prayer & Activity Packet keeps you focused during Advent and Christmastide so you can grow in holiness during this sacred time of year.
100% Traditionally Catholic! All prayers are from traditional sources. Scripture readings are based on the 1962 Liturgical Calendar.
- Walk with the Lord with guided O Antiphon journal pages. - Promote Christian virtues with our fun family activity - Use the corresponding bible verses for memorization, reflection and prayer. - Set and attain spiritual goals for yourself and your family. - Pray the traditional prayers of the Catholic church. - Grow in holiness.
- Weekly Advent Scripture Guide for all 4 weeks of Advent
- Lectio Divina Guide
- O Antiphons Prayer Journal Page
- St Andrew Christmas Novena
- Prayer to Honor the Holy Family
- Prayer to Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception
- O Antiphons Daily Prayer Guide
- O Antiphons Prayers in Latin and English for every day December 17th - 23rd
- Family Virtues Activity
- 2 Seasonal Coloring Pages
All elements are traditional Catholic prayers/devotions/activities for the whole family to easily reference!
Lastly...in 2022...We are Re-Focusing at IamHis365
For me, as always, I am striving go focus on my spiritual growth. But in doing so, I have come to realize that my talents and focus can serve more people in a more sustainable way in 2022.
Therefore, this year we will be focusing on publishing more books for you. If you don't already know, besides our printables, our monthly subscription bundles, printable wall art and stickers, we have a growing collection of books on Amazon.

We love feedback and love to hear from you. Stop by our Amazon Collection of Books to see what we have to offer. If there is something more you would like to see, please let us know as we have the production schedule in the queue now!